Tag Archives: indigenous

"Indigenous" vs "European" Music in 19th Century America

"Indigenous" vs "European" Music in 19th Century America

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series 19th Century American Church Music You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

I have suggested that the 19th century in America was a time in which three forms of culture began to emerge distinct from one another: cultivated, communal, and commercial culture. There exists some disagreement amongst scholars, however, over whether this  division between folk, popular, and cultivated music was really a distinction between American music and European… Continue Reading

The Purpose of Music in Missions

The Purpose of Music in Missions

This entry is part 10 of 14 in the series Missions and Music You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

The purpose of culture is not to reach the lost or give authentic expression for Christians; it is to express and cultivate right worship. In my last article I addressed the argument for using contemporary music forms based on a missions philosophy that stresses indigenous ministry. I suggested that such an argument is based upon… Continue Reading