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A Conservative Christian Declaration

BookCoverImageby Kevin T. Bauder, Scott Aniol, David de Bruyn, Michael Riley, Ryan J. Martin, Jason Parker

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This declaration reaffirms a historic commitment to fully orbed conservative Christianity. The authors believe in transcendent, absolute principles of truth, goodness, and beauty; they are confident that such principles are knowable; and they are determined to align themselves and their ministries to those principles in our pursuit of the whole counsel of God. They also pledge to conserve those institutions and forms that best reflect a recognition and respect for this transcendent order. The authors offer this document out of a deep love for Christ, his gospel, his inerrant Word, and his church, and from a humble desire to help churches conserve and nourish historic, biblical Christianity by affirming the teachings of the Bible concerning truth, goodness, beauty, and rightly ordered affections in life and ministry.