Tag Archives: leisure



In no previous civilization have ordinary people experienced greater leisure than in ours. In the past, leisure was the privilege of the aristocracy. Now, however, with a standard forty-hour work week and a house full of labor saving devices, even blue collar workers have significant leisure at their disposal. In fact, managers often have less… Continue Reading

Encouraging Reflectiveness

Encouraging Reflectiveness

This entry is part 26 of 32 in the series Toward Conservative Christian Churches You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

Ours is not a particularly reflective age. When a pastor begins speaking of the meaning of the media, devices and technologies that surround us, he may receive something of a puzzled, if not combative, reaction. Many today are oblivious to the meanings of the things they read, the music they listen to, the films they… Continue Reading