Here are my noteworthy reads from the last couple of months:
Augustine’s Confessions, translated by Maria Boulding–Our church ladies’ book group finished this in February. I really enjoyed this very readable modern translation.
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, read by Nadia May [audiobook]–Love, love, loved this! Great narration also.
A Handbook to Morning Time by Cindy Rollins–We already have an established morning time routine, but this was helpful. A practical outworking, of sorts, to Cindy’s Mere Motherhood. Lots of lists included in each chapter.
The Supper of the Lamb: A Culinary Reflection by Robert Farrar Capon–Part cookbook, part philosophy, part theology, part stories, all at once delightful and insightful. He left me both pondering and laughing out loud…and hungry. (Disclaimer: I disagree with his thoughts on alcohol.)
Here are my in-progress reads from the last couple of months:
You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit by James K.A. Smith–Our church ladies’ book group will be finishing this up in April. Excellent. Easier to read that Smith’s earlier works on similar subject matter.
Norms and Nobility: A Treatise on Education by David Hicks–I’m reading this at about the pace of ten minutes a day, most days. Deep and thought provoking.
The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation by Rod Dreher–I’m almost done with this. I read through the education chapter and reviewed that here. See Scott’s book review here.
Victoria, the Queen: An Intimate Biography of the Woman Who Ruled an Empire by Julia Baird–Informative and well-written, if somewhat feminist. Long, but keeps you going. So much better than the [terribly done] BBC/PBS Masterpiece miniseries that came out this year.
At the Back of the North Wind by George MacDonald–Excellent, of course.

About Becky Aniol
Becky holds a bachelor's degree in English literature and music, a master's degree in Christian education, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Christian education. She taught classical upper school grammar, literature, and history and lower school composition and grammar for two years, elementary school music for one year, and Kindermusik classes for four years before the birth of her children. She now loves staying home with her four children, Caleb, Kate, Christopher, and Caroline and homeschooling them classically.