Last spring I did a review of Classical Conversations history. I mentioned that I’d provide a list of the Classical Conversations history timeline events and people as well as the Veritas history timeline events and people (read my review of Veritas history here), since I pick and choose and mix the two together. You can see how I do that in my post which includes my timeline song, but here are the events that both publishers chose as the most important events from Creation to the present. I’d still encourage you to purchase at least one set of cards if you can (look for sales and coupons online, such as at Mardel, or on craigslist) in order to give your children a visual memory peg to go along with the event or person. (The actual cards for both Classical Conversations and Veritas, in addition to providing a classic piece of art or photograph on the front of the cards, also include all kinds of helpful information on the back of the cards.) In this list, I will include dates if they are given on the card, and I will give the cards in the order that the publisher intended (not as I have rearranged them, which is quite a bit!). In other words, many of the dates given below, especially the early dates prior to 800 BC, or even just the order of the cards do not correspond with the Answers in Genesis/Ussher Young Earth timeline. (See my timeline song to see the young earth arrangement.)
By looking at these two sets together, you should be able to see that Classical Conversations includes many more world events, rather than just narrowing in on one culture, whereas Veritas includes many more biblical and church history events and focuses more on Western history. I see value in both, which is why I pick and choose from both and why I made my own song! (I also think both have superfluous cards–at least for a timeline song–and both are missing some key events. That, of course, is entirely my own opinion. Hopefully seeing both sets will let you decide for yourself which list, if either, works best for your family.)
For the Veritas timeline, I’ve separated them by year (how they’re packaged), since, unlike the Classical Conversations timeline which is learned all together, they’re designed to be learned separately. (This, as you’ll notice, makes them not quite chronological either, since they’re designed around cultures that are to be studied each year.)
Classical Conversations Timeline
Age of Ancient Empires Creation-c. AD 450
Creation and the Fall
The Flood and the Tower of Babel
Mesopotamia and Sumer c. 3500-1595 BC, c. 2800-1800 BC
Egyptians c. 3100-1070 BC
Indus River Valley Civilization c. 3000-1750 BC
Minoans and Mycenaeans c. 3000-c. 1450 BC, c. 2000-c. 1200 BC
Seven Wonders of the Ancient World c. 2550-c. 200 BC
Patriarchs of Israel c. 2166-c. 1859 BC
Hittites and Caananites c. 2000-c. 1200 BC
Kush c. 2000 BC-AD 350
Assyrians c. 1900-612 BC
Babylonians c. 1900-539 BC
China’s Shang Dynasty c. 1766-1122 BC
Hinduism in India c. 1500 BC
Phoenicians and the Alphabet c. 1500-c. 500 BC
Olmecs of Mesoamerica c. 1500-c. 350 BC
Israelite Exodus and Desert Wandering c. 1446-1406 BC
Israelite Conquest and Judges c. 1406-c. 1051 BC
Greek Dark Ages c. 1100-c. 600 BC
Israel’s United Kingdom c. 1051-931 BC
Early Native Americans c. 1000 BC-AD 1450
Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms c. 931-586 BC
Homer and Hesiod c. 800-c. 700 BC
Rome Founded by Romulus and Remus 753 BC
Israel Falls to Assyria 722 BC
Assyria Falls to Babylon 612 BC
Lao-Tzu, Confucius, Buddha c. 604-479 BC
Judah Falls to Babylon, Temple Destroyed 597-586 BC
Babylon Falls to Persia 539 BC
Jews Return and Rebuild the Temple 538 BC
Roman Republic 509 BC
Golden Age of Greece 497-431 BC
Peloponnesian Wars 431-404 BC
Persia Falls to Alexander the Great 331 BC
India’s Mauryan Empire 321-233 BC
Mayans of Mesoamerica c. 300 BC-AD 900
Punic Wars 264-146 BC
Rome Conquers Greece 146 BC
Roman Dictator Julius Caesar 100-44 BC
Caesar Augustus and the Pax Romana 27 BC-AD 180
John the Baptist c. 5 BC-c. AD 30
Jesus the Messiah c. 4 BC-c. AD 30
Pentecost and the Early Church AD 30-66
Persecution Spreads the Gospel AD 64-313
Herod’s Temple Destroyed by Titus AD 70
Diocletian Divides the Roman Empire AD 286
Constantine Legalizes Christianity AD 313
India’s Gupta Dynasty AD 320-510
Council of Nicea (Divinity of Christ) AD 325
Augustine of Hippo AD 354-430
Jerome Completes the Vulgate AD 405
Visigoths Sack Rome AD 410
The Middle Ages c. 450-1500
Council of Chalcedon (Two Natures of Christ) 451
Western Roman Empire Falls to Barbarians 476
Byzantine Emperor Justinian ruled 527-565
Benedict and Monasticism 529-c. 647
Muhammad Founds Islam 622
Zanj and Early Ghana in Africa 700-1500
Franks Defeat Muslims at the Battle of Tours 732
Golden Age of Islam 750-1350
Vikings Raid and Trade 793-1000
Japan’s Heian Period 794-1185
Charlemagne Crowned Emperor of Europe 800
Alfred the Great of England ruled 871-899
Erik the Red and Leif Eriksson, Norse Explorers c. 900-c.1100
Vladimir I of Kiev 958-1015
Byzantine Emperor Basil II ruled 976-1025
East-West Schism of the Church 1054
Norman Conquest and Feudalism in Europe 1066-1450
The Crusades 1095-1291
Zimbabwe and Early Mali in Africa 1100-1500
Aztecs of Mesoamerica 1100-1520
Francis of Assisi and Thomas Aquinas 1181, 1225
Japan’s Shoguns 1192-c. 1500
Incas of South America c. 1200-1533
Genghis Khan Rules the Mongols 1206-1227
England’s Magna Carta 1215
Ottoman Empire 1250-1923
Marco Polo’s Journey to China 1271-1295
The Hundred Years’ War and Black Death 1337-1453
The Renaissance c. 1350-c. 1600
China’s Ming Dynasty 1368-1644
Age of Exploration c. 1400-c. 1600
Prince Henry Founds School of Navigation c. 1419
Slave Trade in Africa c. 1440-c. 1890
Gutenberg’s Printing Press c. 1455
Songhai in Africa 1460-1603
Czar Ivan the Great of Russia ruled 1462-1505
The Spanish Inquisition 1478-1834
Columbus Sails to the Caribbean 1492
Age of Absolute Monarchs c. 1500-c. 1800
Protestant Reformation 1517-1618
Spanish Conquistadors in the Americas 1519-1550
Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion 1536
Council of Trent (Counter-Reformation) 1545-1563
Baroque Period of the Arts c. 1600-c. 1750
Japan’s Isolation 1603-1716
Jamestown and Plymouth Colony Founded 1607, 1620
Age of Enlightenment c. 1650-c. 1800
Hudson’s Bay Company 1670
First Great Awakening 1734-1750
Classical Period of the Arts c. 1750-c. 1825
The Seven Years’ War 1756-1763
Age of Industry c. 1760-c. 1825
James Cook Sails to Australia and Antarctica 1769-1779
American Revolution and General George Washington 1775-1783
Madison’s Constitution and the Bill of Rights 1787-1791
French Revolution 1789-1799
Second Great Awakening c. 1790-c. 1840
Louisiana Purchase and Lewis and Clark Expedition 1803-1806
Napoleon Crowned Emperor of France 1804
Liberation of South America 1808-1830
The War of 1812 1812-1814
The Missouri Compromise 1820
Immigrants Flock to America c. 1820-c. 1930
The Monroe Doctrine 1823
Romantic Period of the Arts c. 1825-c. 1920
Cherokee Trail of Tears 1838
US Westward Expansion 1843-1869
Marx Publishes The Communist Manifesto 1848
The Compromise of 1850 and the Dred Scott Decision 1850, 1857
US Restores Trade with Japan 1853-1854
British Queen Victoria’s Rule Over India 1858-1947
Darwin Publishes The Origin of Species 1859
Lincoln’s War Between the States 1861-1865
Reconstruction of the Southern States 1865-1877
Dominion of Canada 1867
Otto von Bismarck Unifies Germany 1871
Boer Wars in Africa 1881-1902
The Spanish-American War 1898
The Progressive Era c. 1900-c. 1920
Australia Becomes a Commonwealth 1901
Mexican Revolution 1910-c. 1920
World War I and President Wilson 1914-1918
Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia 1917
US Evangelist Billy Graham 1918-
Modern Period of the Arts c. 1920-present
The Great Depression and the New Deal 1929-1939
World War II and President Franklin D. Roosevelt 1939-1945
Stalin of the USSR and the Katyn Massacre 1940
The United Nations Formed 1945
The Cold War 1945-1991
Gandhi and India’s Independence 1947
Jewish State Established 1948
Mao and the Communist Victory in China 1949
North Atlantic Treaty Organization 1949-present
The Korean War 1950-1953
Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement 1950-1968
Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, Missionaries to Ecuador 1956
The Antarctic Treaty 1959
The Vietnam War 1965-1975
US Astronauts Walk on the Moon 1969
Age of Information and Globalization c. 1970-present
Watergate, President Nixon Resigns 1972-1974
Fall of Communism in Eastern Europe 1989
European Union Formed 1993
Apartheid Abolished in South Africa 1994
September 11, 2001
Rising Tide of Freedom 2003-present
Eleven President Cards are also included with the last pack of Classical Conversations cards.
Veritas Press Timeline
Year 1
Creation The Beginning
The Fall in the Garden
Cain and Abel
The Flood
Tower of Babel
Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt by Pharaoh Menes
The Old Kingdom in Egypt
First Intermediate Period in Egypt c. 2200-2050 BC
Call of Abram c. 2091
God’s Covenant with Abraham c. 2082 BC
Hagar and Ishmael c. 2080 BC
Sodom and Gomorrah c. 2080 BC
Birth and Sacrifice of Isaac c. 2066 BC
The Middle Kingdom in Egypt c. 2050-1800 BC
Joseph as a Slave c. 1898 BC
Famine in Egypt c. 1878-1871 BC
The Twelve Tribes of Israel c. 1860 BC
Second Intermediate Period in Egypt c. 1800-1570 BC
Code of Hammurabi c. 1792-1750 BC
Hyksos Invasion of Egypt c. 1730-1570 BC
Early New Kingdom in Egypt c. 1570-1300 BC
Moses’ Birth c. 1525 BC
Plagues in Egypt c. 1446 BC
The Exodus c. 1446 BC
Ten Commandments c. 1445 BC
Amenhotep IV and Monotheism c. 1361-1344 BC
Reign of Tutankhamon c. 1333-1323 BC
Later New Kingdom in Egypt c. 1300-1090 BC
Davidic Kingdom c. 1011-971 BC
Solomon’s Reign c. 971-931 BC
Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt c. 332 BC
Egypt Falls to Rome c. 30 BC
Year 2
Minoan Culture c. 2200 BC-1450 BC
Mycenaen Culture c. 1450 BC-1200 BC
Trojan War c. 1250 BC
Phoenician Civilization and the Alphabet c. 1200 BC-1000 BC
Israel Divides into Two Kingdoms c. 931 BC
Homer and Greek Mythology c. 900 BC
The Olympics c. 776 BC
Founding of Rome c. 753 BC
Greece Colonized, Democracy Begins c. 750 BC-508 BC
Israel and Judah Fall c. 722 BC/586 BC
Prophets of God c. 740 BC-433 BC
Roman Republic Developed c. 509 BC-366 BC
Persian Wars c. 500 BC-480 BC
Pericles and the Peloponnesian War 461 BC-404 BC
Greek Philosophers c. 450 BC-322 BC
Nehemiah and the Jewish Return c. 444 BC
Alexander the Great 356 BC-323 BC
Architectural Advances in Rome c. 250 BC
Rome Rises to World Power by 146 BC
Reign of Julius Caesar 59 BC-44 BC
Reign of Caesar Augustus 27 BC-14 AD
Birth of Christ c. 3 BC
Ministry of John the Baptist c. 27 AD
Ministry of Christ c. 27 AD-c. 30 AD
Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Christ c. 30 AD
Rome Burns, Nero Persecutes Christians 64 AD
Destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD
Pompeii Burns 79 AD
Split of the Roman Empire 286 AD
Constantine and the Edict of Milan 313 AD
The First Council of Nicea 325 AD
End of the Western Roman Empire 476 AD
Year 3
St. Augustine Converts to Christianity 386
Barbarian Invasion and Vikings c. 400-1000
St. Jerome Completes the Vulgate 405
The Council of Chalcedon 451
St. Benedict and Monasticism c. 450
Justinian the Great 527-565
Mohammed and Islam 570-632
Charles Martel, Pepin the Short, and Charlemagne 714-814
Alfred the Great 871-901
Otto I and the Holy Roman Empire 962-973
The East-West Schism 1054
The Feudal System c. 1000-1400
William the Conqueror and the Battle of Hastings 1066
Cathedrals in Europe beginning c. 1100
The Crusades 1095-c. 1250
St. Francis of Assisi 1182-1224
The Magna Carta 1215
St. Thomas Aquinas 1225-1274
Marco Polo 1254-1324
The Hundred Years War, The Black Death, & Joan of Arc 1337-1453
The Great Papal Schism 1376-1417
John Wycliffe and John Huss c. 1380
Fall of Constantinople to Mohammed II 1453
Gutenberg Prints the Bible 1456
The Renaissance c. 1300-1517
The Inquisition 1478
Martin Luther Begins the Reformation 1517
Ulrich Zwingli and the Anabaptists 1525
The Act of Supremacy 1534
John Calvin and the Institutes 1536
The Council of Trent 1545-1563
John Knox, the Scottish Reformer 1560
Year 4
Prince Henry the Navigator 1394-1460
Columbus Sails to the New World 1492
Magellan Circumnavigates the Earth 1519-1522
Cortes, de Soto, de Leon and Coronado: Spanish Explorers 1513-1538
Explorers of the Northeast: Cartier, Champlain, & Cabot 1497-1603
Raleigh Settles Roanoke 1585
Jamestown is Founded in Virginia 1607
The Mayflower Lands at Plymouth 1620
Pilgrims Build Plymouth Colony 1621
Massachusetts Bay Colony, Home of the Puritans 1630
Roger Williams, Founder of Rhode Island 1636
Salem Witch Trials 1692
13 Colonies Formed 1607-1733
The First Great Awakening 1740-1742
Colonial Trading with England c. 1750
The French and Indian Wars 1754-1763
Parliament Acts Unjustly 1764-1774
The First Continental Congress Seeks Peace with Britain 1774
The War for Independence Begins 1775
British Lose at Bunker Hill 1775
America Declares Its Independence 1776
Washington Commands the Continental Army 1775-1781
Winter at Valley Forge 1777-1778
Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris 1781, 1783
The Constitutional Convention 1787
America’s Founding Fathers c. 1788
Washington, Our First President 1789
The Louisiana Purchase from France 1803
The Lewis & Clark Expedition 1805
The Second Great Awakening 1799-1830
The War of 1812 1812-1814
The Missouri Compromise 1820
Year 5
The Monroe Doctrine 1823
Traveling the Erie Canal c. 1825
Jacksonian Democracy 1829-1837
The Cotton Gin Establishes the South c. 1830
Slavery in the South c. 1780-1865
The Cherokee Trail of Tears c. 1830
Remember the Alamo 1835-1836
Westward Expansion c. 1841
War with Mexico 1846-1848
‘49ers and the California Gold Rush 1849
Opening the Oregon Territory c. 1850
Lincoln, the 16th President 1861-1865
War Between the States 1861-1865
The Battle of Gettysburg 1863
Great Generals of the War Between the States 1861-1865
Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad 1869
Reconstructing the South c. 1865-1870
Black Leadership Emerges in the South c. 1870
The Age of Industry c. 1870-1900
The Battle of Little Big Horn 1876
Cowboys and the West c. 1870-1890
The Spanish-American War 1898
A President Named Teddy 1901-1909
Immigration to America c. 1900
Wright Brothers and Other Inventors 1903
The Great World War 1914-1918
Roaring Twenties 1920-1929
The Great Depression 1933-1945
World War II, the Biggest War 1939-1945
The Cold War, Korea and Vietnam 1945-1989
The Space Race 1957-1969
Modern America Today

About Becky Aniol
Becky holds a bachelor's degree in English literature and music, a master's degree in Christian education, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Christian education. She taught classical upper school grammar, literature, and history and lower school composition and grammar for two years, elementary school music for one year, and Kindermusik classes for four years before the birth of her children. She now loves staying home with her four children, Caleb, Kate, Christopher, and Caroline and homeschooling them classically.