Download the Bible Narratives Reading Plan
Week 26: King Ahab
Weekly memory verse:
1 Corinthians 15:3–5 – “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve.”
Weekly hymn:
“Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (free download)
Weekly catechism:
Did Christ stay dead?
No. Christ rose again from the dead on the third day.
Day 126: The Call of Elisha
Reading: 1 Kings 19; Psalm 30
1 Kings 19, Verse 3. Beersheba. Elijah travels from the northern border of Israel south about as far away from Jezebel as he can get, to the southern border of Judah.
Verse 8. Horeb. This is another name for Mount Sinai, which was about 200 miles south of Beersheba.
Verse 15. Wilderness of Damascus. God is commanding Elijah to return once again to the north.
Discouraged that his actions did not lead to Jezebel’s surrender and the end of Baal worship, Elijah flees to the southern border of Judah, and then on further south to Mount Sinai, where the people of Israel had met God long ago. Like Moses before him, Elijah received a message from God that strengthened him and commanded him to travel back to the north where he would anoint his successors who would complete what he had started.
Discussion Questions
- Was Elijah right to be discouraged?
- Why did Elijah travel to Mount Sinai?
- Why do you think Elisha killed his oxen?
Day 127: Ahab’s Wars
Reading: 1 Kings 20
Verse 26. Aphek. This was a town likely about three miles east of the Sea of Galilee.
Verse 34. Bazaars. Outside market places for the sale of Israelite goods.
Verse 35. Sons of the prophets. Likely an association of prophets who lived together.
Despite Ahab’s sin and idol worship, God in his mercy chose to give him victory over invading enemies. Yet Ahab confirmed his own destruction by refusing to obey the Lord’s commands even after God had helped him.
Discussion Questions
- Why do you think God chose to help Ahab?
- How did God demonstrate that he is truly the only God?
- What did Ahab’s actions reveal about him?
Day 128: Naboth’s Vineyard
Reading: 1 Kings 21; Proverbs 21
1 Kings 21, Verse 3. The Lord forbid. God had forbidden Israelite families from permanently giving up ancestral property (Lev 25:23–28; Num 36:7–9).
Verse 27. Tore his clothes. A common expression of repentance or grief.
Both Ahab’s and Jezebel’s sin are manifested climactically in their conspiracy to kill Naboth and his sons in order to obtain his vineyard. As a result, God proclaims judgment upon them. Ahab sincerely repents, but Jezebel is judged, and Ahab’s judgment comes later through his son.
Discussion Questions
- What did Ahab’s actions reveal about him?
- What did Jezebel’s actions reveal about her?
- Why did these acts finally bring judgement upon Ahab and Jezabel?
Day 129: Alliance Between Israel and Judah
Reading: 2 Chronicles 18; Proverbs 22
2 Chronicles 18, Verse 1. Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat was king of Judah.
Verse 2. Went down. Samaria is north of Jerusalem, but the author uses “down” here to describe the king traveling down from the higher elevation of Jerusalem to the lower elevation of Samaria.
Verse 34. Died. First Kings 22:28 indicates that when Ahab died, the dogs licked up his blood, fulfilling part of the prophesy of judgement against Ahab given in 1 Kings 21:19, although the other part is later fulfilled in his son, Joram, who dies in the field of Naboth (2 Kings 9:25–26).
Although Ahab and Jehoshaphat are able to establish relative peace between Israel and Judah, Jehoshaphat accomplishes this through an improper marriage of his son to Ahab’s daughter, and Ahab eventually meets his promised ruin for his Baal worship.
Discussion Questions
- Why did Jehoshaphat establish peace with Ahab?
- Was it right for Jehoshaphat to arrange for his son to marry Ahab’s daughter?
- Why does God allow Ahab to be killed in battle?
Day 130: Jehoshaphat’s Reforms
Reading: 2 Chronicles, 19–20; Psalm 118
2 Chronicles 20, Verse 1. Moabites and Ammonites. These are descendants of Lot who lived east of the Jordan River.
Verse 2. Edom. Descendants of Esau who lived south of Judah.
Verse 10. Mount Seir. A landmark in Edom.
Despite Jehoshaphat’s pervious unwise alliances, he does what is right in the sight of the Lord and brings order to Judah not seen since the reign of Solomon. As a result, God protects Judah from invasion, and the king and his people respond with appropriate praise.
Discussion Questions
- Why didn’t God judge Jehoshaphat for his wrong alliances?
- In what ways does Jehoshaphat’s prayer reveal his heart for God?
- How do Jehoshaphat and the people respond when he delivers them from their enemies?

About Scott Aniol
Scott Aniol is the founder and Executive Director of Religious Affections Ministries. He is director of doctoral worship studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in ministry, worship, hymnology, aesthetics, culture, and philosophy. He is the author of Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship, Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World, and By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, and speaks around the country in churches and conferences. He is an elder in his church in Fort Worth, TX where he resides with his wife and four children. Views posted here are his own and not necessarily those of his employer.