Scott Aniol

Scott Aniol is the founder and Executive Director of Religious Affections Ministries. He is Chair of the Worship Ministry Department at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in ministry, worship, hymnology, aesthetics, culture, and philosophy. He is the author of Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship, Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World, and By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, and speaks around the country in churches and conferences. He is an elder in his church in Fort Worth, TX where he resides with his wife and four children.

Author Archives: Scott Aniol

Correcting Categories, Part 5 – Biblical Anthroplogy

Correcting Categories, Part 5 – Biblical Anthroplogy

My goal in this series is to help believers apply the Bible to their musical choices in life and worship. My contention is, however, that believers today approach the issue of musical choices with certain errant foundational presuppositions that need to be corrected before they can rightly apply the Bible in this area. So my… Continue Reading

Correcting Categories, Part 4 – Dissecting Emotion

Correcting Categories, Part 4 – Dissecting Emotion

My goal in this series is to help believers apply the Bible to their musical choices in life and worship. My contention is, however, that believers today approach the issue of musical choices with certain errant foundational presuppositions that need to be corrected before they can rightly apply the Bible in this area. So my… Continue Reading

Correcting Categories, Part 3 – Music's Benefit

Correcting Categories, Part 3 – Music's Benefit

My goal in this series is to help believers apply the Bible to their musical choices in life and worship. My contention is, however, that believers today approach the issue of musical choices with certain errant foundational presuppositions that need to be corrected before they can rightly apply the Bible in this area. So my… Continue Reading

Correcting Categories, Part 2 – Emotional Metaphor

Correcting Categories, Part 2 – Emotional Metaphor

My goal in this series is to help believers apply the Bible to their musical choices in life and worship. My contention is, however, that believers today approach the issue of musical choices with certain errant foundational presuppositions that need to be corrected before they can rightly apply the Bible in this area. So my… Continue Reading

Correcting Categories, Part 1 – Biblical Authority

Correcting Categories, Part 1 – Biblical Authority

My goal in this series is to help believers apply the Bible to their musical choices in life and worship. My contention is, however, that believers today approach the issue of musical choices with certain errant foundational presuppositions that need to be corrected before they can rightly apply the Bible in this area. So my… Continue Reading

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted

Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1854 Tune: Geistliche Volkslider, Paderborn, 1850 Stricken, smitten, and afflicted, See Him dying on the tree! ‘Tis the Christ by man rejected; Yes, my soul, ’tis He, ‘Tis the long expected Prophet, David’s Son, yet David’s Lord; By His Son God now has spoken: ‘Tis the true and faithful Word. Tell me,… Continue Reading

Contextualizing the Gospel – Full Series

Contextualizing the Gospel – Full Series

This series is available in booklet format. Audio versions: Biblical Contextualization The First Principles of the Gospel Responsibility and Sovereignty in Evangelism The Power of the Gospel Introduction Audio Version There is a popular thought today in evangelicalism that says that if we as Christians are going to reach unbelievers around us, we need to… Continue Reading

Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 1 – Introduction

Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 1 – Introduction

There is a popular thought today in evangelicalism that says that if we as Christians are going to reach unbelievers around us, we need to be more tuned into contemporary culture. If we want people to accept our gospel message, they say, then we need to present the gospel by packaging it in the language… Continue Reading

An Observation Today's Pastors Would Do Well To Hear

An Observation Today's Pastors Would Do Well To Hear

“A final general observation arising out of this period (The Second Great Awakening) has to do with the manner in which the unusual sense of the presence of God was recognized in the churches which experienced these revivals. It was not because men saw weeping multitudes, unrestrained noise and high excitement that they believed a… Continue Reading

A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity by Rolland McCune

I cannot more highly recommend the first volume of this excellent resource. From the president of Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary: I am pleased to announce that the first volume of A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity by Dr. Rolland McCune has been released by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. This series represents the culmination of decades… Continue Reading

Orderly Worship

Orderly Worship

Pastors have the responsibility of planning and leading the congregational worship services in their churches. Does it matter how those services are ordered? Some church leaders favor spontaneity and freedom in their worship. If someone has a testimony or favorite hymn they’d like to offer at the spur of the moment, then they should be… Continue Reading

Issues of the Heart for March, 2009

Issues of the Heart for March, 2009

We’ve changed the name of Shema! But don’t worry, if you’re subscribed to receive Shema! by e-mail, your subscription will carry over. And the kind of content you’re accustomed to with Shema! will continue, even with the name change. Click here to download the March issue of Issues of the Heart, a “bulletin insert” periodical… Continue Reading