Scott Aniol

Scott Aniol is the founder and Executive Director of Religious Affections Ministries. He is Chair of the Worship Ministry Department at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in ministry, worship, hymnology, aesthetics, culture, and philosophy. He is the author of Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship, Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World, and By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, and speaks around the country in churches and conferences. He is an elder in his church in Fort Worth, TX where he resides with his wife and four children.

Author Archives: Scott Aniol

Shall We Reason Together?

Shall We Reason Together?

by Kevin Bauder Shall We Reason Together? Part One: The Challenge of Alogicality Shall We Reason Together? Part Two: The Logic of Alogicality Shall We Reason Together? Part Three: The God Who Reasons Shall We Reason Together? Part Four: Ye Know Not the Scriptures Shall We Reason Together? Part Five: Ye Ought to Be Teachers… Continue Reading

The Holy Spirit in Acts 2

The Holy Spirit in Acts 2

I believe that a correct understanding of the Holy Spirit’s work (specifically his baptism, filling, and gifting) is crucial to a correct understanding of worship and music. For this reason, I’d like to examine the Holy Spirit’s work in Acts 2. In early May of 2006, my wife and I discovered that we were going… Continue Reading

An Argument for the Consumption of Cyanide

An Argument for the Consumption of Cyanide

Here’s the scenario: You visit your family doctor for a regular checkup. After careful examination, the doctor begins to ask you about your eating habits. “Well,” you answer, “I don’t eat anything out of the ordinary; just your typical American meals. The only abnormality may be that I always make sure to take a healthy… Continue Reading

Worship That Cannot Be Touched – Hebrews 12:18-29

Worship That Cannot Be Touched – Hebrews 12:18-29

At the end of Hebrews 12 we find a very instructive passage that describes New Testament worship. But in order to understand the point of this passage, we need to first understand the broader context in which it is found. The purpose of the book of Hebrews is to warn Jewish Christians against leaving Christianity… Continue Reading

"The surprising face of Hillsong" by Tony Payne and Gordon Cheng

"The surprising face of Hillsong" by Tony Payne and Gordon Cheng

The following article is so interesting, I had to post the whole thing here. Please take time to read the whole thing. It will be worth your while as instruction about why things are the way they are in evangelical worship today. It was originally posted January 2007 here: I have to wonder how… Continue Reading

Some Feedback from "God Himself Is With Us"

Some Feedback from "God Himself Is With Us"

We’ve received several e-mails recently from people who received their copy of “God Himself Is With Us” in the mail. Here are two recent notes: “A few days ago we received your “God Himself is with us” and we have listened to it several times and have enjoyed it immensely. It is so well done… Continue Reading

New Hymn By Paul Jones – "What Manner of Love"

New Hymn By Paul Jones – "What Manner of Love"

Chris Anderson has posted a new hymn by Paul Jones at “What Manner of Love.” Be sure to check out two other new hymns by Paul Jones that we recorded on “God Himself Is With Us: The Gospel Proclaimed Through Hymns”: Lord, We Bow Before Your Glory (KIMARSONEVY) Text: Eric J. Alexander, b. 1932… Continue Reading

How Some People Plan to Use Worship in Song

How Some People Plan to Use Worship in Song

As we get orders for my new book, Worship in Song: A Biblical Philosphy of Music and Worship, we’re finding out various ways people plan to use the book. Perhaps these will give you ideas of how you can use the book! A pastor in Louisiana plans to use the book in a Thursday evening… Continue Reading

Why Offer Special Pre-order Rates?

Why Offer Special Pre-order Rates?

There are quite a few significant front-end costs involved with producing a CD and ordering stock of the book to sell. Offering these pre-order discounts helps us be able to afford these costs, and at the same time provides great discounts for you! These discounts are not special marketing gimmicks or tricks; they are merely… Continue Reading

Last Chance For Lowest Rates on New Resources

Last Chance For Lowest Rates on New Resources

Tomorrow will be the last opportunity to take advantage of these special pre-order deals on our new CD and book releases: Retail: $15.95 Special Price: $12.95 CD Website Retail: $17.99 Special Price: $12.59 Book Website SPECIAL BULK RATES ON BOOKS/CDS1: 10 or more – free shipping 15 or more – 40% off 20 or more… Continue Reading