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The unifying theme of the Bible is God’s plan to dwell among His people. He promised in Leviticus 26.11-12, “I will make my dwelling among you, and my soul shall not abhor you. And I will walk among you and will be your God, and you shall be my people.” What an amazing thought that the transcendent Sovereign of the universe would personally dwell among finite creatures. Yet prophesy of the end times confirms, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God” (Revelation 21.3). But a holy God cannot dwell with sinners. In order for God to dwell with His people, they must be perfect as he is perfect.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the solution to this problem. Jesus Christ is Immanuel — “God with us” (Matthew 1.23). The Son of God lived among men in order that he may atone for the sin of His people. He died in their place, rose victorious over sin and death, and now stands as their advocate at the throne of God. Those who repent and trust in him are declared righteous and may have confidence in a future where God will indeed personally dwell with them.
The hymns of the Church have always provided a wonderful means of proclaiming this good news. Rich, gospel-centered hymn texts serve to reveal important biblical truths to the minds of unbelievers and believers alike.
But good hymns serve another important purpose: they teach us which affections form appropriate responses to the truths of the gospel. It is not enough to simply intellectually assent to biblical truth; worship is an appropriate response of the spirit — the affections — to that truth (John 4). Good hymns teach us those appropriate affections. They are, in the words of Martin Luther, the “mistress of the emotions.” And then good hymns give us a language to express those affections to the Lord when mere words are inadequate.
Our burden with this album is to introduce and re-introduce good hymnody, both ancient and modern, that best serves these purposes. These hymns profoundly proclaim the precious truths of the gospel. These hymns beautifully package those truths with ordinate affections through their musical settings. And these hymns offer the believer a language for expressing these right affections as we consider the good news of God with us.
The God of the Gospel
1. God Himself Is With Us (ARNSBERG)
Text: Gerhard Tersteegen, 1697-1769
Tune: Joachim Neander, 1640-1680
Arrangement: Larry Nickel
© Copyright 2008 by Larry Nickel. Used by permission.
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
2. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT)
Text: Te Deum, c. 4th century, Attr. to Ignace Franz, 1719-1790, Trans. by Clarence Walworth, 1820-1900
Tune: From Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, c. 1774
Arrangement: Brian Pinner
© Copyright 2008 by Pinner Publications. Used by permission.
Solo: Becky
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
3. Let us Give the Lord Our Praise (NASELLI)
Text/Tune: Scott Aniol, b. 1980
Arrangement: Brian Buda
© Copyright 2008 by Religious Affections Ministries.
Solo: Scott
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
The Provision of the Gospel
4. Of the Father’s Love Begotten (DIVINUM MYSTERIUM)
Text: Aurelius Prudentius, 5th century, Trans. by John M. Neale, 1818-1866, and Henry W. Baker, 1821-1877.
Tune: Divinum Mysterium, Sanctus trope, 11th Century
Arrangement: Joan Pinkston
© Copyright 1989 by SoundForth. Used by permission.
Solo: Becky
Hymn Sheet
Sheet Music
5. Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted (O MEIN JESU, ICH MUSS STERBEN)
Text: Thomas Kelly, 1769-1854
Tune: Geistliche Volkslider, Paderborn, 1850
Arrangement: Dale Grotenhuis
© Copyright 2001 by Coronet Press. Used by permission.
Solo: Scott
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
6. My Song Is Love Unknown (GUNNAR)
Text: Samuel Crossman, ca. 1624-1683
Tune/Arrangement: Edwin T. Childs, b. 1945
© Copyright 1999 by MorningStar Music Publishers. Used by Permission.
Hymn Sheet
Sheet Music
7. Priest and Victim, Jesus Dies (RABUN)
Text: Margaret Clarkson, b. 1915
Tune: Brian Pinner, b. 1981
Arrangement: Scott Aniol
© Copyright Text copyright 1987 by Hope Publishing Company in “A Singing Heart.” Used by permission. RABUN copyright 2006 by Pinner Publications. Used by permission. Arrangement © copyright 2008 by Religious Affections Ministries.
Solo: Scott
Hymn Sheet
Sheet Music
8. Jesus Christ Is Ris’n Today (LLANFAIR)
Text: Bohemian Latin Carol, 14th century, Trans. by Tate and Brady, 1698
Tune: Robert Williams, 1782-1818
Arrangement: David A. Warren
© Copyright 1989 by SoundForth. Used by permission.
Solo: Becky
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
The Response to the Gospel
9. I Will Arise and Go to Jesus (RESTORATION)
Text: Joseph Hart, 1712-1768
Tune: William Walker, 1809-1875
Arrangement: Dwight Gustafson
© Copyright 1998 by Coronet Press. Used by permission.
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
10. God of Grace (GOD OF GRACE)
Text/Tune: Keith Getty, b. 1974 and Jonathan Rea, b. 1974
Quoting NEW BRITAIN from Virginian Harmony, 1831
Arrangement: Lloyd Larson
© Copyright 2003 by Thankyou Music. Used by permission. Sole selling agent for 2008 arrangement: Lorenz Publishing Company.
Hymn Sheet
Sheet Music
11. My God, I Love Thee (KINGSFOLD)
Text: Attr. to Fracis Xavier, 1506-1552, Trans. by Edward Caswall, 1849
Tune: English Traditional
Arrangement: Scott Aniol
© Copyright 2008 by Religious Affections Ministries.
Solo: Scott
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
12. Lord, We Bow Before Your Glory (KIMARSONEVY)
Text: Eric J. Alexander, b. 1932
Tune/Arrangement: Paul S. Jones, b. 1962
© Copyright 2005 by Paul S. Jones. Used by permission.
Hymn Sheet (Free)
Sheet Music
The Results of the Gospel
13. The Power of the Gospel (CALEB)
Text/Tune/Arrangement: Scott Aniol, b. 1980
© Copyright 2008 by Religious Affections Ministries.
Solo: Scott
Hymn Sheet (Coming soon)
Sheet Music
14: How Sweet and Awful (ST COLUMBA)
Text: Isaac Watts, 1674-1748
Tune: Ancient Irish Melody
Arrangement: John Hudson
© Copyright 2008 by Religious Affections Ministries.
Hymn Sheet
Sheet Music
15. To Be With Christ (CAPE MAY)
Text: Early American Folk Hymn
Tune/Arrangement: Paul S. Jones, b. 1969
© Copyright 2002 by Paul S. Jones. Used by permission.
Solo: Becky
Hymn Sheet
Sheet Music
16. God Himself Is With Us (Reprise)

About Scott Aniol
Scott Aniol is the founder and Executive Director of Religious Affections Ministries. He is director of doctoral worship studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in ministry, worship, hymnology, aesthetics, culture, and philosophy. He is the author of Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship, Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World, and By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, and speaks around the country in churches and conferences. He is an elder in his church in Fort Worth, TX where he resides with his wife and four children. Views posted here are his own and not necessarily those of his employer.