Gift Sale! 6 for $99 with free shipping!
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This book of hymns is a modest attempt to collect some of the best congregational songs available in the English language. Herein are compiled texts and tunes with sources ranging from ancient Israel, North Africa, Syria, Greece, Italy, Germany, France, Spain, England, Scotland, Ireland, and America, covering a time period extending from second century b.c. through 2017. Translations into English come from sources originally written in Hebrew, Greek, Latin, German, French, Spanish, and more. This collection is truly universal in its scope.
Our selection of hymns has been based on the central criterian of fidelity to biblical truth. What a church sings has often more impact upon the theology, devotion, and behavior of its members than the church’s doctrinal confession or even what a pastor preaches. It is therefore important that a church sings only what is biblically true.