In honor of the Advent/Christian season, we are offering some special prices for Hymns to the Living God:
Individual Copies – $13.99 each plus shipping (regularly $17.99)
6 Copies – $78 with free shipping!
Other bulk discounts (10+, 50+, 100+) available on the single copy page.
Copies are also available on for $19.99 each with free shipping for Prime Members.
Finally, don’t forget about our special Advent & Christmas Collection of Hymns, perfect for caroling or home gatherings.
We hope these special prices make purchasing copies of the hymnal as gifts easier for you!

About Scott Aniol
Scott Aniol is the founder and Executive Director of Religious Affections Ministries. He is director of doctoral worship studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in ministry, worship, hymnology, aesthetics, culture, and philosophy. He is the author of Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship, Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World, and By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, and speaks around the country in churches and conferences. He is an elder in his church in Fort Worth, TX where he resides with his wife and four children. Views posted here are his own and not necessarily those of his employer.