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What Others Are Saying About Worship in Song

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“Scott Aniol has contributed a reasoned, thoughtful, Scripture-infused, and theological approach to his subject. This book should prove to be a helpful volume to any serious worshiper.”
Paul S. Jones, D.M.
Organist and Music Director – Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia
Author, Singing and Making Music: Issues in Church Music Today

“Here we have a brief and thoughtful theology of the use and place of music in the gathered worship of the people of God. Aniol argues that our current confusions over music in public worship are at the root, theological. Consequently, we need to understand what worship is (biblically), how sanctification happens, the nature and importance of religious affections, the relationship between God’s glory and beauty, and the purpose of music in corporate worship before we are in a position to evaluate the kinds of music most appropriate to that purpose. When it comes to musical forms, most evangelicals just don’t think that they matter in the end, and hence drop back to their own preferences as the benchmarks of what we do and don’t do musically in public services of worship. Aniol wants to challenge that approach. Rightly so.”
Ligon Duncan, BA, MDiv, MA, PhD (Edinburgh)
Senior Minister, First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi, USA
President, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals
Chairman, Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Past Moderator, Presbyterian Church in America
Adjunct Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary

“In the 20 years I have been in Christian broadcasting, no single issue has been more explosive than the subject of Christian music in the church. Scott Aniol’s much-needed book takes on this issue in an incisive manner, and he rightly points to the foundational issue of religious affections that underlies the entire debate. Christians have allowed Hollywood and popular culture to shape their affections, rather than Holy Scripture. As a result, they have made God over into someone who will accommodate their profane and carnal musical tastes in worship. Scott Aniol’s thoroughly biblical approach is centered on the belief that God does have something to say about the music we listen to and the music that is used in worship. Christians owe a debt of gratitude to the author for his scholarship and clarity on this essential subject.”
Ingrid Schlueter
Host, Crosstalk Radio Talk Show
VCY America Radio Network

“Scott Aniol is at once theologian, historian, philosopher, aesthetician, musician, logician, and pastor in this encapsulating must-read entry in the worship wars. His biblical and musical insights are remarkable for any one person to make, let alone one so young.”
Timothy Shafer
Professor of Music at Penn State University

“Unhappily, the whole controversy about worship style has degenerated into arguments based on personal preference, particularly regarding what kind of music is acceptable. Far too frequently, advocates for both “contemporary music” and “traditional music,” while giving verbal testimony to their concern for God’s glory, defend their positions with man-centered reasoning. Although proponents of neither position would admit it, what pleases people often takes precedence over any consideration of what pleases the Lord. Scott Aniol’s treatment of this hot topic is refreshingly and delightfully different. Throughout, his analysis is God-focused, biblically based, thought provoking, and practical. He argues convincingly that music is not neutral and that there are indeed music styles that have infiltrated the church that are absolutely inappropriate for acceptable service unto the Lord. I highly recommend Worship in Song for any who are serious about worshipping the Lord in keeping with the beauty of His holiness, especially in song–an integral element in biblical worship.”
Michael P. V. Barrett
President of Geneva Reformed Seminary (Greenville, SC)

Worship In Song is one of the most insightful explanations of biblical worship that I have ever read. Pastor Scott Aniol harmonizes the concepts of God’s beauty, aesthetics, affection for God, accurate theology, and musical expertise unlike any other book on this subject. I enthusiastically recommend Worship In Song as a must read for pastors, church music directors, and all Christian musicians who sincerely desire to help lead their congregations to worship God in spirit and in truth.”
Michael Harding
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Troy, MI

Worship in Song may not always be an easy read, but it should become a must read for those seeking answers to tough questions about music. The book is well written, well researched, and well documented. Arguments are clearly presented. Scott Aniol takes the reader to Scripture for answers; the use of secular sources is appropriate and necessary. He is gracious and uncompromising, balanced and fair.”
Ed Dunbar, Chairman
Division of Music
Bob Jones University

“I am excited to recommend Worship in Song to anyone involved with the ministry of church music today.  Scott Aniol has given us a fresh, new approach to a timely and important issue.  In this easy-to-read volume we can recognize how Scott’s understanding of music, culture, and the Scripture come together to give the reader concise and relevant information upon which to build a solid, Biblical philosophy of music.  This book will be a great benefit to any pastor or music director who is seeking answers to the musical questions they face in their ministry.”
Tim Fisher
Music Pastor, Faith Baptist Church, Taylors, SC
President, Sacred Music Services
Author, The Battle for Christian Music

“Scott Aniol has joined a growing chorus.  In so doing he has significantly raised the rhetoric to a new level of systematic and meticulous evaluation while allying himself with those concerned believers who question the mood, sensibility, and impact of current popular worship music.

Worship in Song greatly assists the Lord’s servants who have the task, responsibility, and wonderful privilege of ‘leading the saints in song.’  It provides stimulating insight which, after an engaging and thought-provoking read, results in a logically, graciously and Scripturally presented declaration.  Scott’s work was needed, it is timely, valuable, and very much appreciated.”
Kurt Woetzel
Minister of Music
Trinity Baptist Church, Concord, NH
Co-author, Music in the Balance
