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What’s On My Kindle?

I’m definitely one for a paper book in hand, but my Kindle Paperwhite gets quite a bit of love too. It’s especially handy for trips, when I don’t want to weigh down my luggage with books but I do want to make sure I have plenty to read. For a 4 1/2 month trip, taking only two suitcases total for all six of us, that means I need to load up my Kindle–because zero books (for reading–we are bringing math and Latin) are coming along for the ride to the UK. (I make no promises about the return trip however…)

When it comes to Kindle reading material, I utilize my library’s OverDrive/Libby digital books extensively. (If your library doesn’t have it, beg them to get it!) I also take advantage of Amazon Kindle book deals by subscribing to several email lists that notify me of sales or freebies on Kindle books. (I get eBook sale emails from Book Bub and Modern Mrs. Darcy.) Additionally, I use Kindle Matchbook to put books on my Kindle for free or very cheap that I have purchased from Amazon as a physical book. (You can look on Amazon to find out which of your books are available for Matchbook.)

Here’s what I’ve loaded onto my Kindle for our trip. (I can’t recommend these carte blanche because, in most cases, I haven’t read them yet. But I think most of these should be pretty safe recommendations for adults.) Many of these have to do with Britain, since I want to make the most of our trip, but others are ones I’ve been saving for travel.



Philosophy and Other

I’m sure I’ll be adding others as I’m inspired by my surroundings (or as I find new Kindle deals), and I guarantee that I won’t get through all of these, but I do hope to make a good dent in this list.

About Becky Aniol

Becky holds a bachelor's degree in English literature and music, a master's degree in Christian education, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Christian education. She taught classical upper school grammar, literature, and history and lower school composition and grammar for two years, elementary school music for one year, and Kindermusik classes for four years before the birth of her children. She now loves staying home with her four children, Caleb, Kate, Christopher, and Caroline and homeschooling them classically.