Tag Archives: Baptist

A parable of moral change on alcohol

A parable of moral change on alcohol

Increasingly, evangelical Christians are abandoning abstentionist and prohibitionist positions on alcohol. This is true among many conservative Baptist churches. It is increasingly common for pastors to lead their churches to take a more moderationist position with respect alcohol. Back in 1981, John Piper led Bethlehem Baptist Church to change its church covenant with respect to… Continue Reading

Thoughts on Baptists and Independence

Thoughts on Baptists and Independence

Sometimes things that look alike are actually quite different. One mushroom cooks up into a delectable repast, while another that appears almost identical can kill. A gold nugget will buy a new car, but a pyrite crystal is a mere curiosity. Careful minds learn to distinguish things that look alike when they are not the… Continue Reading

Pastors, Deacons, and Whatsits

Pastors, Deacons, and Whatsits

The New Testament specifies two offices for the local church. The apostle Paul, in 1 Timothy 3, told his young protégé that he was writing so that Timothy would know how “thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God” (as the old King James puts it). The behavior that Paul had in mind… Continue Reading

The General Association of Regular Baptist Churches

The General Association of Regular Baptist Churches

During June and July, I attended the meetings of three significant Baptist Fellowships: the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International, the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, and the Minnesota Baptist Association. Taken together, these three meetings provide a glimpse into the current state of Baptist fundamentalism. I am presenting one brief report on each organization and… Continue Reading

The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International

The Fundamental Baptist Fellowship International

From their earliest days, Baptists have erected organizations to assist them in coordinating ministries that are beyond the ability of most individual churches. Among these organizations are both church associations and individual fellowships. Over the past month, I have had the opportunity to attend the meetings of three such organizations, two at the national level… Continue Reading