Tag Archives: classical Christian education

The Benedict Option for Education

The Benedict Option for Education

Being familiar with some of Rod Dreher’s other works like The Little Way of Ruthie Leming and How Dante Can Save Your Life, I was excited to read his newest book, just out on Tuesday, The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation. While the whole book is both accessible and informative (see Scott’s review… Continue Reading

A Homeschool Mom Reads: January through April

A Homeschool Mom Reads: January through April

At long last, I finished my master’s degree in Christian education in December. Much as I’m thrilled to be done, I loved the external pressure of hard book lists and required reading deadlines. Don’t get me wrong. I love to read on my own. But…I probably wouldn’t pick up some of the heftier, weightier things… Continue Reading

Four Approaches to Classical Christian Education, Part 2: Towards a Definition

Four Approaches to Classical Christian Education, Part 2: Towards a Definition

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Classical Christian Education: Four Distinct Approaches You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

I recently wrote a post introducing a new series about the four distinct ways that evangelicals are doing classical Christian education in 2015–more than 30 years after Doug Wilson re-introduced us to Dorothy Sayers and the Trivium. I asserted that, despite the many who claim that classical Christian education is the Trivium and its “stages,”… Continue Reading