Tag Archives: eschatology

Our Eternal Occupation

Our Eternal Occupation

Kevin T. Bauder Christian writers from Augustine to Dante picture the eternal destiny of the righteous as beatific vision. The idea is that in eternity, purified from our sins and glorified in our resurrection bodies, we shall behold God in the fullness of His glory. Transfixed with His beauty, our eyes shall gaze upon Him… Continue Reading

I’m Changing the Way I Teach Eschatology

I’m Changing the Way I Teach Eschatology

Good teachers will revise their notes every time they teach the same class. They’re always reading new books, attending seminars, hearing lectures, listening to papers, and perusing articles. Over time these new sources of information add depth to teaching and enable teachers to address current issues within their disciplines. Sometimes teachers make even larger modifications… Continue Reading

Indefensible Dispensationalism 2

Indefensible Dispensationalism 2

In the last issue of In the Nick of Time I suggested that one of the reasons for the decline of dispensational theology is the irresponsible conduct of some dispensationalists. I pointed particularly to those dispensationalists who scan the newspaper headlines for signs that the Rapture is about to occur. Dispensationalism has always had these… Continue Reading

Israel’s Future

Israel’s Future

Does the nation Israel have a future as a people of God? From the time Israel was constituted as a people, God foretold that the nation would disobey and come under judgment. Israel would lose God’s blessing and be scattered among the nations. Nevertheless, God promised that judgment would not be His final word to… Continue Reading

The Rapture

The Rapture

God did not present His entire revelation at once. This fact can be grasped almost intuitively. The Bible contains sixty-six books. They were written over a process of at least fourteen hundred years. It makes sense that God would continue to reveal truth all through the canon. Often the newer revelations serve to fill in… Continue Reading