Tag Archives: society

The Foundations Are Not Destroyed

The Foundations Are Not Destroyed

This entry is part 12 of 13 in the series Musing on God's Music You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

Last week we saw David presents three responses in Psalm 11 to the perception that the foundations of society are crumbling around us: In the Lord I take refuge. The Lord is in his holy temple. The Lord has determined the destiny of the wicked and the righteous. Now, what do these responses have to… Continue Reading

Responses to Crumbling Foundations

Responses to Crumbling Foundations

This entry is part 11 of 13 in the series Musing on God's Music You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

When the foundations of society appear to be crumbling around us, what should the righteous do? Psalm 11 answers that question. But before we look at how the psalm answers that question correctly, notice the wrong answer to the question. Did you notice the quotation marks after “what can the righteous do?” David is quoting… Continue Reading

Living in Uncertain Days

Living in Uncertain Days

Jeff Straub Washington, D. C.; New York, New York; London, England; Mumbai, India; Nairobi, Kenya; Moscow, Russia; and now Paris, France. What do all of these cities have in common? Well, in the light of the tragedy of last week, the answer is obvious to anyone who pays attention to world events: all of these… Continue Reading

Kim Davis

Kim Davis

Kim Davis is out of jail, but she is not out of the headlines. Her name is nearly everywhere in the media. Bloggers, pundits, and even presidential candidates have opined about the Rowan County clerk. Conservatives, Christians, and conservative Christians are deliberating whether Davis did the right thing and whether her jailing was justified. People… Continue Reading

Who Redefined Marriage?

Who Redefined Marriage?

The Supreme Court of the United States has heard the case of Obergefell v Hodges, in which the core contention is that marriage between two people of the same sex is a constitutional right. The contention rests fundamentally upon the assumption that civil governments have the right to define marriage. But do they? Few people… Continue Reading

Paradigm Shift

Paradigm Shift

The word paradigm is used literally as a grammatical term, but it can also be used metaphorically to refer to a shared set of basic assumptions. A paradigm shift occurs when a community rejects its old assumptions in favor of a new set. The perspective of the community changes and it sees the world differently… Continue Reading