I am very pleased to announce that I have accepted a position with G3 Ministries as Executive Vice President and Editor-in-chief. I am so thankful for the strong stand for biblical truth that Josh Buice, Virgil Walker, and others in G3 leadership have taken over the years, as well as the enriching ministry the G3 conferences have been to pastors and church members. I am excited to join with them in helping to provide oversight of the organization and to expand the ministry through publishing books, curricula for churches, a theological journal, online resources, and more.
This decision for our family is certainly bittersweet to a certain extent because of the wonderful eleven years we have spent at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, ten of those on faculty. I have loved investing in the lives of current and future church leaders, I have close friends on faculty whom I will miss, and I have been especially thankful these past two years for the wonderful leadership of my dean and dear friend, Joe Crider. But I am also thankful that, though they have asked me to consider staying on faculty, Dr. Crider and other administrators have prayed for me in this decision and have encouraged me to follow the Lord’s direction.
We will also deeply miss our church family in Fort Worth, Church of Christ the King. Our eleven years of ministry there, sweet fellowship, and strong friendships will be hard to leave.
I am excited to be joining the G3 team because my deep burden has always been to help local churches, and I am thankful to be joining a ministry that has already done that for years. Josh’s vision to expand and enrich the ways G3 can help churches is inspiring, and already Virgil has brought an amazing amount of expertise to the operations of the ministry. I am really looking forward to teaming with them.
I have also always been strongly committed to the firm defense and clear articulation of important biblical doctrines such as the sufficiency and authority of Scripture, holiness, Christ-centered ministry, God-honoring worship, and more. For many years, both Josh and Virgil have stood strong and spoken with clarity on critical matters of truth, and I am honored to stand with them.
These two emphases of serving local churches and standing for truth have been at the heart of what we’ve been doing through Religious Affections Ministries since 2008. I’ve been so thankful for the other men who have contributed to the Religious Affections website over the years and for the many emails and comments I often receive expressing how the content we’ve built at the site has been helpful to churches.
With my move to G3 Ministries, we will be ceasing any further development of Religious Affections Ministries. In many ways the objective of the two ministries are the same, and so I will continue with the same goals at G3, though with a broader platform and support. We are going to leave the current website content available for the foreseeable future so that it can continue to be a helpful resource. And as G3 Press gets started, we may move some of the Religious Affections Publications under that umbrella, including the hymnal. I will be blogging over at www.g3min.org/blogs/scott-aniol, and I will continue my By the Waters of Babylon podcast as well. You can expect to see many of the authors who have contributed to the Religious Affections site contributing as guest authors at G3 Ministries in the future, too, I’m sure.
If there is ever any way G3 Ministries can be of service to you and your church, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I look forward to the ways the Lord will continue to use G3 to educate, encourage, and equip the church for his glory.

About Scott Aniol
Scott Aniol is the founder and Executive Director of Religious Affections Ministries. He is director of doctoral worship studies at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he teaches courses in ministry, worship, hymnology, aesthetics, culture, and philosophy. He is the author of Worship in Song: A Biblical Approach to Music and Worship, Sound Worship: A Guide to Making Musical Choices in a Noisy World, and By the Waters of Babylon: Worship in a Post-Christian Culture, and speaks around the country in churches and conferences. He is an elder in his church in Fort Worth, TX where he resides with his wife and four children. Views posted here are his own and not necessarily those of his employer.