Author Archives: David Huffstutler

The Character of a Christian Leader: Above Reproach and Pure

The Character of a Christian Leader: Above Reproach and Pure

This entry is part of 5 in the series Character of a Christian Leader You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

This post is part of a series and begins a thematic look at 1 Timothy 3:1–7, Titus 1:5–9, and 1 Peter 5:1–4 to examine character traits necessary to being a Christian leader. The term “above reproach” is a general description of what overseers/elders must be in 1 Tim 3:2 and Titus 1:6–7. 1 Tim 3:2… Continue Reading

A Prayer by a Pastor’s Wife for Her Husband

A Prayer by a Pastor’s Wife for Her Husband

With her permission, this is a prayer my wife typed out for me one day. It’s a good prayer for any Christian to pray for himself, herself, or whoever else, and especially for all Christians to pray for those whose calling involves regularly proclaiming the gospel. I hope it encourages others as it encourages me. What’s most… Continue Reading

A Look at the Lists: Pastoral Passages and the Character of a Christian Leader

A Look at the Lists: Pastoral Passages and the Character of a Christian Leader

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Character of a Christian Leader You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

Several “C’s” help me organize my pastoral theology. A pastor must have the call, that is, a Spirit-given desire to be in ministry (cf. 1 Tim 3:1). He must also have a certain competency, that is, a Spirit-given gift-set that includes oversight and teaching (cf. 1 Tim 3:1–2). There must also be a confirmation, that… Continue Reading

My God Is God – A Poem for Thanksgiving

My God Is God – A Poem for Thanksgiving

I did a bit of reading that focused on idolatry recently, and it captivated me again that John says to Christians today, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols” (1 John 5:21). As I pondered how my own desires can draw me to worship something good in the place of God, this poem came out. As… Continue Reading

11 Considerations for How to Write a Dissertation

11 Considerations for How to Write a Dissertation

I recently had a friend ask for advice about writing during the dissertation stage of a Ph. D. program. I thought I’d include this advice here for any it may benefit. As a disclaimer, please remember this is not necessarily expert advice but simply one man’s experience. #1 Before You Do Anything Else Once you’ve… Continue Reading

Handbook for the Heart: Deuteronomy 17:18–20 and the Character of a Christian Leader

Handbook for the Heart: Deuteronomy 17:18–20 and the Character of a Christian Leader

This entry is part 4 of 5 in the series Character of a Christian Leader You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

Last week we looked at Deut 17:14–17 and discovered three prohibitions for Israel’s kings that Christian leaders can follow in principle today. This week, we’ll read through Deut 17:14–20 again and see the import of the positive commands for the king in Deut 17:18–20. Deuteronomy 17:14–20 (ESV) 14 “When you come to the land that the… Continue Reading

Of Horses and Harems: Deuteronomy 17:14–17 and the Character of a Christian Leader

Of Horses and Harems: Deuteronomy 17:14–17 and the Character of a Christian Leader

This entry is part 3 of 5 in the series Character of a Christian Leader You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

Three weeks ago, I gave an introduction to a series on character of the Christian leader. Today the series finally continues. After a read through today’s text, we’ll see that what was written for Israel’s kings then has principles for Christian leaders today. Deuteronomy 17:14–20 (ESV) 14 “When you come to the land that the Lord your… Continue Reading

The Character of a Christian Leader

The Character of a Christian Leader

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Character of a Christian Leader You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

“Pay careful attention to yourselves” (Acts 20:28). “Keep a close watch on yourself” (1 Tim 4:16). Paul gave the former of these commands to the Ephesian elders and the latter to Timothy who later served in Ephesus when several elders failed to heed such a command. As one can see, despite the slight difference in… Continue Reading

John the Baptist: A Mighty Messenger

John the Baptist: A Mighty Messenger

I wrote the below for a brief article in my church bulletin. The bulleted points thereafter were what I wrote for myself thereafter. It’s nothing special, but it’s a quick overview of John the Baptist and some thoughts to learn from his example. – “I tell you, among those born of women none is greater… Continue Reading

Mark the Evangelist: Faithful Despite Failure (Part 2 of 2)

Mark the Evangelist: Faithful Despite Failure (Part 2 of 2)

Last week, we looked at Mark’s background, his opportunities for ministry, and his desertion of Paul and Barnabas during a missionary journey. Did he recover? Did he turn out to be faithful after his failure? Read on, and we’ll see. A Second Chance: Rebounding from a Bad Reputation Sometime after his desertion, Mark had apparently… Continue Reading

How to Pray for Yourself and Others to Give the Gospel

How to Pray for Yourself and Others to Give the Gospel

Paul asked for prayer multiple times in multiple letters. Here are two passages that act as examples to instruct us how to pray for ourselves and others to give the gospel. Ephesians 6:18–20 Pray for the words to say when giving the gospel. Paul encouraged the Ephesians to persevere by “making supplication for all the… Continue Reading

Congregational Authority (Part 3)

Congregational Authority (Part 3)

I’ve given two points in support of congregational authority thus far in this mini-series. First, the congregation is involved in the selection and election of deacons and elders. Second, the congregation chooses individuals for specific tasks, sends them on their way, and holds them accountable for their ministries This third and final point is somewhat… Continue Reading

Congregational Authority (Part 2)

Congregational Authority (Part 2)

Last time I wrote, I gave the first of three points that demonstrate the authority of the congregation. Here is a second way that the Bible describes the congregation exercising authority. (2) The congregation is involved in the selection and election of deacons and elders. That deacons are selected by a congregation finds clear precedent in… Continue Reading

Congregational Authority (part 1)

Congregational Authority (part 1)

There are several examples from Scripture that demonstrate the fact that congregations exercise authority over certain matters. For my own sake, I have divided a number of these examples into three categories. Here is the first of those categories with the passages that give it support.1 (1) The congregation chooses individuals for specific tasks, sends… Continue Reading

Serve as Slaves, Just Like Jesus

Serve as Slaves, Just Like Jesus

I had the privilege of preaching Matthew 20:17–28 yesterday. Here are some highlights that help us see a simple lesson: in order to be great, we should all serve as slaves, just like Jesus. Before Matt 20:17–28, Jesus had just taught twice that many who are last shall be first, and many who are first… Continue Reading

Is It a Sin to Skip Church? (Part 2 of 2)

Is It a Sin to Skip Church? (Part 2 of 2)

Last week, I gave one of two reasons that we should meet with our local church on Sunday, the Lord’s Day: we should meet together every week with our local church because it was clearly the pattern of the churches in the New Testament. Here’s reason number two. Second, we should meet together every week… Continue Reading

Is It a Sin to Skip Church? (Part 1 of 2)

Is It a Sin to Skip Church? (Part 1 of 2)

I should rephrase the question to be more precise – is it a sin to intentionally schedule something unnecessary in place of the assembly of believers? I realize that much could be said for the descriptor “unnecessary.” Some must miss church for necessary reasons. Their occupation is to save lives, uphold the law, etc. I… Continue Reading

Apostles: A Wrap-up

Apostles: A Wrap-up

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series A Theology of Apostles and Apostleship You can read more posts from the series by using the Contents in the right sidebar.

My graduation and a number of church matters busied me away from a series on apostles, and this post will be a final few thoughts on the matter for now. The NT gives requirements for what it is to be an apostle (see here and here), and Paul’s description of himself helps to explain his… Continue Reading