Category Archives: Articles on Music

Correcting Categories, Part 1 – Biblical Authority

Correcting Categories, Part 1 – Biblical Authority

My goal in this series is to help believers apply the Bible to their musical choices in life and worship. My contention is, however, that believers today approach the issue of musical choices with certain errant foundational presuppositions that need to be corrected before they can rightly apply the Bible in this area. So my… Continue Reading

An Argument for the Consumption of Cyanide

An Argument for the Consumption of Cyanide

Here’s the scenario: You visit your family doctor for a regular checkup. After careful examination, the doctor begins to ask you about your eating habits. “Well,” you answer, “I don’t eat anything out of the ordinary; just your typical American meals. The only abnormality may be that I always make sure to take a healthy… Continue Reading

The Teaching Power of Music

The Teaching Power of Music

I spoke today at the Michigan Association of Christian Schools Teachers Convention. This is the lecture I presented. My task today is to convince you that it is important that music be a part of your classroom. My goal is to persuade you that music is essential to your students’ educational development. For some of… Continue Reading

Apollo vs. Dionysus

Apollo vs. Dionysus

A music theorist whom I have found very helpful is Manfred Clynes. Clynes argues that music communicates through its natural connection with emotion. I can best explain Clynes’ theories at this point by quoting from “Music Hath Charms . . .” by Iaian D. Edgwater in Biocultural Approaches to the Emotions edited by Alexander Laban… Continue Reading