- “Churches” or “Christians” and Culture?Scott Aniol
- “Hate” – A Word Like “Atheism”David de Bruyn
- “Relevance”David de Bruyn
- "Indigenous" vs "European" Music in 19th Century AmericaScott Aniol
- 2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, ConclusionScott Aniol
- 2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 4Scott Aniol
- 2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 5Scott Aniol
- 2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 6Scott Aniol
- 2008 Mid-America Conference on Preaching, Part 8Scott Aniol
- A Brazilian tribesman talks about culture, worship, and the gospelScott Aniol
- A Catechism on Judgment in WorshipDavid de Bruyn
- A Christian ImaginationDavid de Bruyn
- A Concise Biblical Evaluation of Critical TheoryScott Aniol
- A Distinctly Christian CultureScott Aniol
- A Humble Request and ProlegomenaRyan Martin
- A New Testament Understanding of CultureScott Aniol
- A parable of moral change on alcoholRyan Martin
- A People in ExileScott Aniol
- A Short History of “Emotion”David de Bruyn
- A syllogism on the morality of cultureScott Aniol
- A Tale of Two SonsDavid de Bruyn
- A Tidbit on “Taste”Jason Parker
- A World of MeaningDavid de Bruyn
- Abraham Kuyper’s Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- Acts 17 and cultural contextualizationScott Aniol
- Alan Hirsch on cultural distanceScott Aniol
- All Things to All MenKevin T. Bauder
- All Things to All Men | Part 2: Interpretative PrinciplesRyan Martin
- All Things to All Men | Part 3: What the Passage Means (vv19-20)Ryan Martin
- All Things to All Men | Part 4: What the Passage Means (vv21-22)Ryan Martin
- All Things to All Men | Part 5: What the Passage Means (vv22-23)Ryan Martin
- America’s Gay Messiah?David Huffstutler
- An Observation Today's Pastors Would Do Well To HearScott Aniol
- Are emotions universal?Scott Aniol
- Are Media ‘By Definition’ Morally Neutral?David de Bruyn
- Are NT “Behavior”-related Terms Equivalent to “Culture”?Scott Aniol
- Are NT “Race”-related Terms Equivalent to “Culture”?Scott Aniol
- Are NT “World”-related Terms Equivalent to “Culture”?Scott Aniol
- Article 11: On Popular CultureScott Aniol
- Article 5: On the AppetitesRyan Martin
- Article 9: On Harmony and Variety in Ordinate ExpressionDavid de Bruyn
- As Real As I FeelDavid de Bruyn
- AuthorityDavid de Bruyn
- Authority – Its OriginDavid de Bruyn
- Authority and AuthoritarianismDavid de Bruyn
- Authority, Soul Competence and VocationDavid de Bruyn
- Be holy in all your cultureScott Aniol
- Beauty and RealityDavid de Bruyn
- Beauty’s DescriptionDavid de Bruyn
- Beauty’s Difficulties: The Problem of TasteDavid de Bruyn
- Beethoven-Only? Nie!David de Bruyn
- Bible movie reflectionsScott Aniol
- Book Review: Prophetic untimeliness: A challenge to the idol of relevanceScott Aniol
- Borrowing cultureScott Aniol
- Can biblical principles about music be applied across cultures?Scott Aniol
- Cheap Thrills – Pop Art and TranscendenceDavid de Bruyn
- Chestless ChurchesDavid de Bruyn
- Christian Approaches to CultureScott Aniol
- Christian at the Movies (2)David de Bruyn
- Christian at the Movies (3) – Magic and FantasyDavid de Bruyn
- Christian Cultural LiteracyScott Aniol
- Christian cultureScott Aniol
- Christian Culture in Church HistoryDavid de Bruyn
- Christian Imagination Fleshed OutDavid de Bruyn
- Christians and Critical JudgmentsDavid de Bruyn
- Christians and CultureScott Aniol
- Christians are Redeemed from Unholy CultureScott Aniol
- Christians, the Church, and CultureScott Aniol
- Common Missional Definitions of CultureScott Aniol
- Comparison of “Doubtful Things” in Romans and I CorinthiansScott Aniol
- Conservative ChangeScott Aniol
- Conservative Christians will be committed to transmitting these worship forms to future generationsScott Aniol
- Contextualizing in BlaséburgDavid de Bruyn
- Contextualizing the Gospel – Full SeriesScott Aniol
- Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 1 – IntroductionScott Aniol
- Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 2 – Defining Biblical ContextualizationScott Aniol
- Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 3 – The First Principles of the GospelScott Aniol
- Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 4 – Responsibility and Sovereignty in EvangelismScott Aniol
- Contextualizing the Gospel, Part 5 – The Power of the GospelScott Aniol
- Corinth and Christmas: What ‘Food Offered to Idols’ Can Teach Us about Celebrating ChristmasJason Parker
- Corporate worship and the formation of a new cultureScott Aniol
- Corporate Worship is FormativeScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 1 – Biblical AuthorityScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 10 – ConclusionScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 2 – Emotional MetaphorScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 3 – Music's BenefitScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 4 – Dissecting EmotionScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 5 – Biblical AnthroplogyScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 6 – Dionysian vs. ApollonianScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 7 – The Nature of PopScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 8 – Music and Emotion in the ChurchScott Aniol
- Correcting Categories, Part 9 – the Church TodayScott Aniol
- Cultivated, Commercial, and Communal MusicScott Aniol
- Cultural skepticism, the opposite of worldlinessMichael Riley
- Cultural superiorityScott Aniol
- Culture – More Than CreationDavid de Bruyn
- Culture and Cultivation of the AffectionsDavid de Bruyn
- Culture and ethnicityScott Aniol
- Culture and RaceScott Aniol
- Culture and the Liturgies of LifeScott Aniol
- Culture and TraditionScott Aniol
- Culture and TruthMichael Riley
- Culture doesn’t just changeScott Aniol
- Culture is human behaviorScott Aniol
- Culture, Not RaceDavid de Bruyn
- Defining pop cultureScott Aniol
- Did Luther use tunes from love songs?Scott Aniol
- Differences and Universals in Music Across CulturesScott Aniol
- Differences over philosophy of culture must always affect cooperationScott Aniol
- Discerning the Christian Imagination: Analogies and ProportionDavid de Bruyn
- Discerning the Christian Imagination: Consensus and CanonicityDavid de Bruyn
- Discernment and Good and Evil (Part 4)Ryan Martin
- Discernment as spiritual wisdom and understanding (Part 3)Ryan Martin
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: Can Music Be Sinful?Scott Aniol
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: Example of Sinful MusicScott Aniol
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: Example of Sinful Music (Rebuttal)Scott Aniol
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: How does rap “flavor” its truth content?Scott Aniol
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: How does rap “flavor” its truth content? (Rebuttal)Scott Aniol
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: IntroductionScott Aniol
- Discussion about Christian rap with Shai Linne: RootsScott Aniol
- Disembodied ChristianityDavid de Bruyn
- Distinguishing high culture from folk cultureScott Aniol
- Distinguishing High, Folk, and Pop CultureScott Aniol
- Distorting the building blocks of worshipScott Aniol
- Does Christ Redeem Cultural Expressions?David de Bruyn
- Does contextualization heighten the likelihood of a positive response to the gospel?Scott Aniol
- Does Form Matter?Guest Author
- Does God Hate Sinners?David de Bruyn
- Does God Have “Emotions”?David de Bruyn
- Does Revelation 5:9 prove that all kinds of cultural expressions will be in heaven?Scott Aniol
- Doorposts, Frontlets and the AffectionsDavid de Bruyn
- Doth not the mind often leave them before the Lord?Ryan Martin
- Dual CitizensScott Aniol
- Early Beginnings of Pentecostal WorshipDavid de Bruyn
- EmotionDavid de Bruyn
- Emotional or Affected?David de Bruyn
- Encouraging ReflectivenessDavid de Bruyn
- Equality and DistinctionsDavid de Bruyn
- Equality and Necessary HierarchyDavid de Bruyn
- Equality is Medicine, Not FoodDavid de Bruyn
- Everything is Uh-SimDavid de Bruyn
- ExilesScott Aniol
- Explanation of my comments about Reformed rap on the NCFIC panelScott Aniol
- Facts about the Hobby Lobby ruling even some Christians seem to be missingScott Aniol
- Fashion is arbitraryRyan Martin
- Finding common ground in the missions debateMichael Riley
- For the Sake of Argument…David de Bruyn
- Form and MeaningDavid de Bruyn
- Formalists Under FireDavid Oestreich
- Free eBook of Back to Basics SeriesScott Aniol
- FreedomDavid de Bruyn
- Freedom – Societal and IndividualDavid de Bruyn
- Freedom and ChurchesDavid de Bruyn
- From Palestrina to PinoDavid de Bruyn
- Full "Correcting Categories" SeriesAdministrator
- Future Union of the Two KingdomsScott Aniol
- God Loves (and Hates) YouDavid de Bruyn
- God’s People in ExileScott Aniol
- Good Taste and Christian TasteDavid de Bruyn
- Gospel impact and the world’s approvalScott Aniol
- HabitsScott Aniol
- Handshakes: More Like Holy Kisses Than EverMichael Riley
- Hebrew worship and the surrounding cultureScott Aniol
- Herman Dooyeweerd’s Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- Holy Values Ought to Affect Every Aspect of a Christian’s CultureScott Aniol
- How Can We Conserve Biblical Worship? Full SeriesScott Aniol
- How Can We Conserve Biblical Worship? Part 4Scott Aniol
- How Christian Were the Middle Ages?Kevin T. Bauder
- Identifying AuthoritiesDavid de Bruyn
- Imagination and Shaping the AffectionsDavid de Bruyn
- Imagination and Understanding RealityDavid de Bruyn
- Imagination, Illumination and Faith: a Proposed ConnectionDavid de Bruyn
- Imaginative KnowingDavid de Bruyn
- Intensely audience-conscious and market-drivenRyan Martin
- Irreverent and CulpableDavid de Bruyn
- Is “cultural transformation” part of a church’s mission?Scott Aniol
- Is culture the same as race?Scott Aniol
- Is Music a Separation Issue?Scott Aniol
- Is Rap Really a Canvas?David de Bruyn
- Is the secularization of Christmas anything new?Scott Aniol
- Island CultureDavid de Bruyn
- Jacques Barzun (1907-2012)David de Bruyn
- John Calvin’s Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- Judging Matters of FreedomDavid de Bruyn
- Lessons from a Pandemic: Science Is LimitedScott Aniol
- Let Us Break Bread Together On Our ScreensDavid de Bruyn
- Lex Orandi, Lex CredendiScott Aniol
- Live Images Are Not Living PersonsDavid de Bruyn
- Love for Christ & Scripture-Regulated Worship 6: Love for Christ and New Testament AuthorityRyan Martin
- Make DisciplesScott Aniol
- Martin Luther’s Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- Matters of Conscience and FreedomDavid de Bruyn
- Mere RecognitionDavid de Bruyn
- Mind Your Manners: Rude to GodDavid de Bruyn
- Missionaries and CultureDavid de Bruyn
- Missions and MusicScott Aniol
- Missions and the antithesisMichael Riley
- More on affirming cultureScott Aniol
- More on the Hymnal vs. Screen thingRyan Martin
- More than CognitiveDavid de Bruyn
- More thoughts the use of movie clips in services (and the RPW)Ryan Martin
- Multiculturalism and ContextualizationDavid de Bruyn
- Multiculturalism and Cultural PrejudiceDavid de Bruyn
- Multiculturalism and Judging CultureDavid de Bruyn
- Multiculturalism veiled as "Missional"Scott Aniol
- Multiculturalism: You Might Be SurprisedDavid de Bruyn
- Music for Holy WeekRyan Martin
- Musical Universality, Ethnodoxology, and AssociationsScott Aniol
- National Anthems and the Universal LanguageScott Aniol
- New Creatures–New CultureScott Aniol
- On Baby Grands and Expensive HymnalsDavid de Bruyn
- On racism, ethnicity, and cultureScott Aniol
- On the suggestion that ‘holy hip hop’ is the new BaroqueRyan Martin
- Pagan Culture and Apostate CultureDavid de Bruyn
- Panel discusses Reformed RapScott Aniol
- Pastors – Become Literate in Christian CultureDavid de Bruyn
- Paul and Cultural Critique: Titus 1:12-13Chuck Bumgardner
- Paul the Cultural ConservativeRyan Martin
- Paul, Plato, and Calvin on MusicRyan Martin
- Practice Makes Perfect: Culture and the Liturgies of LifeScott Aniol
- Preference and AmoralityDavid de Bruyn
- Preferences and AdiaphoraDavid de Bruyn
- Psalm 130 in the Hands of a Young Johann Sebastian (Part 5)Ryan Martin
- Reason and FaithScott Aniol
- ReenactmentScott Aniol
- Reforming Influences in 19th Century American Church MusicScott Aniol
- Rehabilitating “Tolerance”David de Bruyn
- Relevance and ImportanceDavid de Bruyn
- Relevance and IntelligibilityDavid de Bruyn
- Relevance and NotorietyDavid de Bruyn
- Relevance in the Eye of the BeholderDavid de Bruyn
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Conclusion)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is irrelevant (Part 10)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Part 11)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Part 12)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Part 13)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is irrelevant (Part 2)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is irrelevant (Part 3)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is irrelevant (Part 4)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Part 5)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Part 6)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is irrelevant (Part 7)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is Irrelevant (Part 8)Ryan Martin
- Relevance is irrelevant (Part 9)Ryan Martin
- Relevant or Current?David de Bruyn
- Renaissance and early Reformation Settings of Psalm 130 (Part 3)Ryan Martin
- Resident AliensScott Aniol
- ResidentsScott Aniol
- RestraintScott Aniol
- Scripturally, “Culture” is Simply the “Behavior” of a PeopleScott Aniol
- Secular CultureScott Aniol
- Secular WorldviewScott Aniol
- Shapers of Christian ImaginationDavid de Bruyn
- Should a missionary simply adopt a culture’s music when church planting?Scott Aniol
- Should differences over music philosophy hinder cooperation between Christians?Scott Aniol
- Should we use Western music when planting indigenous churches in other cultures?Scott Aniol
- Should western music be transplanted to missions church plants?Scott Aniol
- Sincerely AmusedDavid de Bruyn
- Sincerity or Profanity – 2David de Bruyn
- Sincerity or Profanity?David de Bruyn
- Some answers to questions about my views on Reformed rapScott Aniol
- Stevens on Culture and MeaningDavid Oestreich
- Stop Feeling Your FeelingsDavid de Bruyn
- Sweetly DestructiveDavid de Bruyn
- T. David Gordon: “It’s like reaching the rich young ruler by throwing money at him.”Ryan Martin
- Taste Formed and Deformed by CultureDavid de Bruyn
- Tattoos: To Do or Eschew?David de Bruyn
- Ten Mangled Words – “Authentic”David de Bruyn
- Ten Mangled Words – “Culture”David de Bruyn
- Ten Mangled Words – “Equality”David de Bruyn
- Ten Mangled Words: ConclusionDavid de Bruyn
- Ten Mangled Words: HateDavid de Bruyn
- Ten Mangled Words:”Taste”David de Bruyn
- The “Two Hands” of MinistryScott Aniol
- The Bellamy SaluteKevin T. Bauder
- The Christendom Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The Christian and MeaningDavid de Bruyn
- The Christian and Nakedness in ArtChuck Bumgardner
- The Church and Christian Cultural InvolvementScott Aniol
- The Church, Christians, and Culture: ConclusionScott Aniol
- The Colloquial, the Casual, and the CraftedDavid de Bruyn
- The Common Problem with White Supremacy and MulticulturalismScott Aniol
- The Complexity of Hating What God HatesDavid de Bruyn
- The Culture of HumanityScott Aniol
- The evangelistic power of holy cultureScott Aniol
- The Form of the LiturgyScott Aniol
- The Good and the Bad of Missional WorshipScott Aniol
- The Hate That God HatesDavid de Bruyn
- The Historical Context of Psalm 137Scott Aniol
- The Historical Development of “Culture”Scott Aniol
- The importance of cultural discernment in Christian educationScott Aniol
- The importance of distinguishing between folk and pop cultureScott Aniol
- The Incarnational Mode of Missional WorshipScott Aniol
- The Incarnational Mode of the Missional ChurchScott Aniol
- The Internet, Short Attention Spans, and PreachingRyan Martin
- The Judeo-Christian Worship TraditionScott Aniol
- The Liturgical Nature of CultureScott Aniol
- The Lord is my . . . cattle-driver?Scott Aniol
- The Missional Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The Missional Church and CultureScott Aniol
- The Missional Philosophy of CultureScott Aniol
- The Missional Understanding of “Culture”Scott Aniol
- The Missionary Imperative of Missional WorshipScott Aniol
- The Mortification of Spin’s Take on Secular Music (or, Calvin vs. the Calvinists)Ryan Martin
- The New Testament Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The People’s WorkScott Aniol
- The Poetry of Ron RashDavid Oestreich
- The Pre-Tridentine Roman ChurchScott Aniol
- The Problem of NumbersDavid de Bruyn
- The Purpose of Music in MissionsScott Aniol
- The Radical Reformers’ Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The Redemptive Rule of GodScott Aniol
- The Relationship Between Holy Culture and Unholy Culture Should be One of WitnessScott Aniol
- The Rise and Fall of ChristendomScott Aniol
- The Sanctificationist Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The Separatist Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The State of Mission TodayScott Aniol
- The Strange Silence Around the Third CommandmentDavid de Bruyn
- The superiority of folk culture to pop cultureScott Aniol
- The Transformationalist Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The Two Kingdoms and Immigration PolicyScott Aniol
- The Two-Kingdoms Approach to CultureScott Aniol
- The Unexamined LifeDavid de Bruyn
- The Universal Common KingdomScott Aniol
- The Word of God alone Governs the Behavior of the ChurchScott Aniol
- Theological Issues at Stake in Discussions of Culture and ContextualizationScott Aniol
- There hasn’t always been contemporary worship musicScott Aniol
- Three Cultural Streams in 19th-Century American Church MusicScott Aniol
- tobyMac and the state of Evangelical pietyRyan Martin
- Tolerance (1)David de Bruyn
- Tolerance (2) – We Oppressed Left-HandersDavid de Bruyn
- Tolkien on the use of archaic languageScott Aniol
- Translating vs. TransformingDavid de Bruyn
- Transmitting Imagination to our ChildrenScott Aniol
- Truth and TraditionScott Aniol
- Twenty-first Century Western Post-Modernism as Missional Worship ContextScott Aniol
- Two KingdomsScott Aniol
- Two-Kingdom vs. Transformationalism: What’s all this fuss about?Scott Aniol
- Unbelievers’ Culture Can Be GoodScott Aniol
- Unholy Culture ExistsScott Aniol
- Unicultural UniformityDavid de Bruyn
- UnprecedentedMichael Riley
- Vaughan William’s interest in English folk songsScott Aniol
- Vaughan Williams and Folk CultureScott Aniol
- VocationScott Aniol
- Vote so as to obey the Second Greatest CommandmentScott Aniol
- Votes From the Democracy of the DeadDavid de Bruyn
- We Don’t Want Your White Man’s ReligionDavid de Bruyn
- What Churches Take For Granted (But No Longer Should)David de Bruyn
- What does government have the right to do?Scott Aniol
- What does it mean to be “culturally affirming”?Scott Aniol
- What does race have to do with worship?Scott Aniol
- What Does the Bible Really Say About Alcohol?Scott Aniol
- What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?Scott Aniol
- What is race?Scott Aniol
- What music should be used when planting indigenous churches in . . . the United States of America?Scott Aniol
- What Psalm 137 DoesScott Aniol
- What should we do when the government tells us to do something that contradicts Scripture?Scott Aniol
- What The Popular Arts Are NotDavid de Bruyn
- What Titus Found in the Most HolyDavid de Bruyn
- What’s wrong with the recent evangelical “social justice” movements?Scott Aniol
- When Cultures CollideScott Aniol
- Where Is Christ in Christmas?Scott Aniol
- Where is Christ in Christmas?Scott Aniol
- Who Made You the Authority?David de Bruyn
- Why “Subjective” Doesn’t Get You Out of Jail FreeDavid de Bruyn
- Why Christians Should Care About Meaning in ArtDavid de Bruyn
- Why Church Feels The Way It DoesDavid de Bruyn
- Why do we assume that music alone is immune from cultural decay?Scott Aniol
- Why do we think new is better?Scott Aniol
- Why equating culture with ethnicity is inherently racistScott Aniol
- Why reading the Bible is superior to watching The BibleScott Aniol
- Why Tolkien Wrote About Middle-EarthDavid de Bruyn
- Why you should read the book rather than watch the movieScott Aniol
- Without WaxDavid de Bruyn
- Work that Serves ChristScott Aniol
- Worldly LiturgiesScott Aniol
- Worldview without GodScott Aniol
- Worship Implies a TheologyChristopher Ames
- Worship, hymnology, and philosophy of ministry reading list for pastors and church musiciansScott Aniol
- Wrested . . . from churchly controlRyan Martin
- Xmas and Christmas: A Lost Chapter from HerodotusDavid de Bruyn
- You Elitist, YouDavid de Bruyn